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Cubit 9.1  Offering greater flexibility and new solutions to face your challenges.

Written by Steve Kilsby | May 22, 2019 1:22:05 AM

Here at Buildsoft, we’re committed to understanding your challenges and finding the best way to solve them to make your work easier.

Using the important feedback we’ve received from our customers, we’re proud to bring you Cubit 9.1; with new features and functionality inspired by your requests, and developed to provide the best solutions to your challenges.

Here’s what you can expect.





We know estimates can get very large, and it can be difficult to remember what items you need to come back and check or keep working on.

We’ve received feedback letting us know you’d like a way to draw attention to, or highlight specific items throughout your estimates.

We’ve developed a solution that will let you customise how you highlight and use your data; Flags.

Using this new feature you can flag an item or trade, and at the same time assign a status to that item. You can also add notes to the flag. Flag as Orange for Incomplete, Red for Attention, Purple for Review, or Pink for Follow Up. Your entire cell is highlighted, so you can  quickly and easily identify the areas of your estimate that require further action or attention.

This functionality extends across your Estimate, Calculation, and Rate Sheets.

You can add a Flag by adding the new Flag column, or by using F5 to open the Flag Window, giving you the flexibility to choose how you would like to have them appear. The new Flag Pane enables you to quickly review your collection of Flags, and go directly to where they sit within your estimate.

Keeping track of your work has never been so easy, and there’s no need to worry you’ve forgotten something before you submit your jobs.

Image: Items highlighted using Flags in Cubit 9.1


Exclude From Total

Having the flexibility to work the way you want is one of the cornerstones of Cubit, and allows you to get the job done in a way that best suits your individual needs.

One of the requests we’ve received is the ability to perform additional sets of calculations within the estimate, or create subtotals, without having them as part of the overall Job calculations. We’ve developed a solution that will give you the flexibility to do exactly this.

Exclude from total enables you to mark particular items and trades to exclude from the Job total.

This can be done by using the new Exclude from Total column in your Estimate, Calculation, or Rate Sheet; or by choosing the new Exclude from Total Result Type in your Estimate Sheet.

Using this new feature gives you another way to work with your items and trades within your estimate. For example, you could use it to work out the subtotal of a particular set of trades, and they won’t appear in the overall Job Total. They will also be omitted when you export your Job to Excel or create a Grouped View within your Job, and can be hidden in your reports.

Let’s say you’re estimating civil works for an upcoming development, and you want to be able to see the subtotal of the subdivision works, as well as the combined subtotal of the roadworks and sewer; but not have them appear as part of the total.  

After creating your subtotals, just mark all of these headings using the Exclude from Total Column, and you’re done. They’re no longer in the Job Total. When you create a grouped view of your Job they won’t appear, and you can also hide them from your reports.

 Image: Subtotal calculations being excluded from the final total using the new Exclude From Total column in Cubit 9.1


Full Page Plan Report

Being able to print clear plans from your estimate to share with team members, your onsite project-managers, or your clients is an important part of business for many estimators.  

Responding to industry feedback on the way Cubit deals with printing plans, we’ve introduced a new Plan Report. This will enable you to generate a report of the plans in your viewport while maintaining your takeoff, export to PDF, and print the plan to A4 or A3 size.

You can also customise the colour of the report, and choose to include the legend on the second page, so you can easily reference your takeoff without impacting the size of the plan on your printed sheet.


Giving you more flexibility to work with your estimate, we’ve introduced a new Ruler tool, which enables you to take measurements on your plans which will not be added to your quantities.

This means you can take a quick measurement of a wall, window, or other space on your plan without having to add it to your estimate. Your measurement will appear as a preview on your plan until you choose another item, or take another measurement with the Ruler.

New Cubit Select Notification

Understanding how your quote and comparison data works within Cubit and Cubit Select is essential to creating a successful estimate.

In Cubit 9.1, we’ve introduced a new notification, that will show you any quotes that will be deleted when a job is sent to Cubit Select.

Improve the way you estimate. Book a demonstration, and start your free 14 day trial today, and get ready to experience the power and speed of Cubit 9.1

Introducing Cubit Subscriptions

We're excited to announce that Cubit is now available as a subscription service. 

This means you have the flexibility to choose the best in estimating software, with no large upfront costs. It’s simple to manage, makes your business spending predictable, and can spread costs over the life of your subscription to help with cash flow. There's also additional tax benefits to subscribing to Cubit, as opposed to buying up front.

A subscription to Cubit includes access to the extensive range of estimating and takeoff features available in the software, minor and major software updates and upgrades, and access to our professional support team; all as a single cost.

Not only does this make Cubit more affordable, we also have monthly or annual payment options to suit your circumstances. 

To find out more about subscribing to Cubit, give us a call and chat with us today. We'd love to show you how it can help you. 

For a full list of new features and enhancements in Cubit 9.1, you can download our release notes below.

If you're a Cubit subscription customer or have current Software Assurance cover, you can download the latest version of Cubit below. If you would like to update your software but do not have current Software Assurance cover, contact our Customer Success team on (02) 4626 4909.